Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Random thoughts...#3

My kids say the darndest things:

K has started to say "Awesome" because Grammy said it when we were visiting.

M took a shower with me also while we were visiting the inlaws. I noticed some of
my skin was peeling where I forgot to apply sunscreen while on vacation. I,
for some reason, decide to point this out to M. "Look, what do you think is
going on?" "I dunno," she says. "What is is?" I tell her that my skin is
peeling, and ask that most unfortunate question: "Why do you think that's

Her answer: "Because you're old." Ouch.

Taylor Hicks. So I watched AI. Not in its entirety...and probably not even half of it. But I picked out Taylor Hicks as a favorite from the in from his audition. Maybe I'm partial because of his looks. In case you didn't notice, my hubby is also prematurely grey. One of my cousins put her foot in her mouth at a Christmas get-together a few years ago. Somehow the subject of age came up. She said to Craig "You're about, what? 41?" He was about to turn 31.

But back to Taylor Hicks, sort of. My Aunt had the People magazine up north that had Taylor on the cover and she said he was her boyfriend. I told her I knew she had secretly coveted my husband for years now.

But really, to Taylor Hicks, and my main point. Aren't those Ford commercials irritating? Yeah, he's a good singer, but really. The commercials are a bit overplayed in my opinion. Plus they're advertising Ford. We're really a Chevy family. (Although we currently own zero Chevys.) Think Dale Earnhardt (The Intimidator and Junior). There you go.

Some things I think that no one who has only recently met me would ever think that I have done:

Flown to Cancun for a weekend.
Drove all day and night to get to Texas, and slept in the car at a rest stop. (Not too smart.)
Took a shot called a blow-job on stage, from between a man's legs.
Danced a two-step, three-step, 16-step and a 20-step, and well. (if I do say so myself)
Sang karoake. By myself. A bunch of times.
Fit into a size 4.
Been told I talk too much.
I moved out at 16, and lived with my then-boyfriend. (Off-and-on for 4 years.)
Previewed a TV show for CBS. It was called Mr Merlin. (Anyone remember that?)
There is other stuff, that I won't tell anyone. And stuff that isn't so cool.

In Closing...
I guess that's all for now. I need to go work on a few "goodie bags/boxes" for my kids' bday party coming up on the 15th.

It's Bunco night tomorrow night...yeeeeee haaaawwww.

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