Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Books...the first in a series...Part 1:Big people books I'm going to read someday

I like to read. I remember hiding a flashlight and a book in or under my bed so I could read under the covers after my parents had tucked me in at night. I remember reading an entire book in one day...and starting another. I remember soaking in the bathtub with a book...for hours, and having to run more hot water periodically to warm it up.

All of this was pre-children of course. Now, I'm lucky if I get time to read one book every other month or so.

So, I thought I'd post a list of the books that I already own, that are waiting for me to read. These are books I bought online at a great discount site. I bought them because they were cheap, and sounded at least mildly interesting at the time of purchase.

1. The Appointment by Herta Muller
2. My Life As a 10-year-old Boy by Nancy Cartwright (Not sure what I was on here.)
3. J.K. Rowling The Wizard Behind Harry Potter by Marc Shapiro (Ditto above comment.)
4. Blood Acre byPeter Landesman
5. Defiance by Carole Maso
6. Ella in Bloom by Shelby Hearon
7. As Always, Jack by Emma Sweeney
8. Fortunate Lives by Robb Forman Dew

and also two "parenting" books that I'd like to get around to reading...but just never seem to have time (I'm probably blogging or scrapping my time away too much.)

9. In Search of Sleep: Straight Talk About Babies, Toddlers and Night Waking by Bonny Reichert
10. How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

And this is a listing of books that I've heard or read recommendations for, that I'd like to read sometime soon. But I'd have to buy them because it takes me so darn long to read a book these days...and generally books are not cheap. And I have diapers to buy that have priority over books (Plus I've wanted to buy INXs' new...not so new anymore...CD for awhile now also....)

1. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
2. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb
3. A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel and the sequel She Got Up Off the Couch
4. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
5. Sippy Cups Are Not For Chardonnay by Stephanie Wilder-Taylor

So, if anyone has read any of these and can tell me which I should bump to my next read, let me know...
Or if you have other recommendations...I'll add them to my list. The great thing about books is that they don't "go bad" if you let them sit around for months...or years...so eventually I'll get them all read.

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Jaime said...

Hey, Heather - thanks for commenting on my blog. I can't even get my mom to do that anymore!

Wow, a book every other month. Nice! I wanted so badly as I read through your list to have read SOMETHING on it but alas, I have not. I listened to a book on CD in May but wouldn't reccomend that one. As sad as it is, I think the last thing I read was "The DaVinci Code" like in March. On a reccomendation I checked "The Time Traveller's Wife" out of the library in May but only got about 10 pages in before it was due and would have felt bad renewing since it is a newer book.

As far as parenting sleep books I have read "The No Cry Sleep Solution", "The No Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers" and "Sleeping Through the Night" cover to cover. Turns out the answer all along was "when she was ready at 19 months". If I had known it would take that long when she was born I may have done myself in.

Wow, this was a long comment from someone short on sleep.

Amy said...

Read The Lite Runner and My Sister's Keeper, in that order. When you have time ... HA HA HA. My husband bought me a book to read on the Cape and he keeps asking me why I haven't finished it yet. Oh, maybe because after every page I have to get up and do something?? :)

Sandy said...

I personally love John Irving books, but they're like 10,000 pages long...so maybe you should explore those when the kids are in school. I don't own any of the booksw listed, but I have acquired a number of current books from my old job as a "book editor" (think Oprah book club). They're yours if you'd like to borrow them.

I'm currently reading A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy O'Toole. It's lengthy but very entertaining!

Heather said...

I'd love to borrow your books...If I ever get through the ones I have waiting for me already! I'm almost done with the book I'm reading right now...

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