Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day 2006

Wow, what a great day. Wow, what an exhausting day. And I didn't have to do that much!

I had to teach Sunday school this morning...which I've ended up teaching more often than not this last half of the year. Not a big deal but I really don't know much about the Bible so I'm really clueless. Another teacher picked the project was a questionnaire about their Moms. It turned out really cute with most kids saying their Moms' favorite thing to do around the house was clean. One child's Mom's favorite beverage (according to him) was a Bloody Mary (oh and milk and water). He also said his favorite thing about his mom was: "She loves me and she buys me things...and she's not cranky like my Dad". So I chose to leave the part about Dad off of the sheet!

But before we went to Sunday School, my kids and hubby woke me up. M with a loud "Happy Mother's Day" and a card flopped in my face, and K yelling "Happy Day!" Then after reading some really sweet cards. The best, of course, from my hubby. He gave me my present. It was a new digital camera, which I have been saving for. Our old camera is only 1.2 megapixels so if you know anything about cameras, is not very good quality. But that camera has served us well for almost 4 years. The new camera is 5 megapixels and so far is SOOOOO much better.

And we had my parents and sister-in-law and brother and their kids to our house for lunch. I'd made some photo montages on dvd as gifts for both "Moms" and they seemed to like them.

Other than that, the kids got all loaded up on sugar, K missed his nap and was in bed by 7, and I have my in-laws staying with us tomorrow night so no posts tomorrow!

Oh yeah, and K fell and cracked his face on a dining room chair so he'll have a nice shiner on his eye tomorrow. We don't call him Accident-Prone Man, Jr for nothing!

I must be an "Okay" Mom at least.

Happy Mom's Day to all.

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