Wednesday, May 31, 2006


The kids have not adjusted to being back at our own house. They're both cranky and fighting over the same 3 toys, as though we don't have 386,548,967 other toys that they could be playing with.

I stepped out of the shower this morning to see M sitting on the floor with a bowl of chocolate frosting. She was sharing with K, a little bit. "I got birthday cake Mommy!" (So it was really from Mother's Day, but it was in the fridge so I hope it was still okay to eat.) I just figured, ah, she got her breakfast and just watched her and K polish off the bowl...less work for me cooking healthy breakfasts for my kids!

In my defense, I may have overscheduled myself a bit this week. With being up north visiting the inlaws, then my Aunt's house on Monday, tuesday morning we played at the park with some friends from M's preschool (and I would have gone completely nuts at home if we hadn't I'm not really counting that as overscheduling), today we stayed home so that I could prepare for the stuff that ends the week. I host my Bunco group tomorrow night, and then we're having a garage sale friday and saturday.

I think I'm doing pretty well getting prepared though. I've prepared most of the food for Bunco today, and I'd already bought and "wrapped" the prizes (my group doesn't play for money we just do little prizes). I've got most of the garage sale stuff loaded into the minivan to take to my parents' house tomorrow since that's where we're having the sale. Feeling okay, and not too stressed at this point.
Here's the menu for Bunco...(we just do "snacks")
  • BLT dip (it's sour cream and mayo with bacon and's wonderful stuff)
  • Spinach and Herb dip (Tastefully Simple)
  • crackers for the dips
  • Hershey's kisses in bowls on the tables
  • veggie pizza
  • cheddar and monterey jack cheese, sliced, to put on crackers as well
  • I have 4 bottles of wine...2 White Zinfandel, 2 Reisling. I need to go get some beer tomorrow.
  • I made this wonderful dessert that a fellow preschool mom made for our class one time. She called it Chocolate Crunch Brownies. I thought it was fabulous at the time. Let's hope I made it right.

I get a bit "Martha Stewarty" when I host "parties" at my house. It's an illness. I always want people to say "Oh that looked so great!" or, "Mmm, that was yummy!" Preferably both.

Obviously there is no dieting on Bunco night.

My SIL called this morning to hammer out the ad for the garage sale. Apparently the draft I had made would have costed us 25 bucks. No thanks, not paying that much for a crappy little ad that most people won't read through anyway. So about 20 minutes later (seriously she was working during that time as well...just in case her boss happens upon this page) we finally get it whittled down to a cost of $14.50. It will have to do.

The weather forecast says it will be sunny and 80 ish both days which is great since my brother's truck is stuck in my parents' garage with no engine. Sort of takes up most of the garage space so we'll have most stuff outside. We borrowed some clothes racks (round racks like in the stores) from my cousin like we did last year. I think they are key to selling the kids' clothes.

Speaking of kid's clothes it is just torture for me to sell stuff. Why oh why??? I find myself pricing some items high so they maybe won't sell. Shhh. Don't tell my hubby. As though I don't already have about 10 boxes of clothes that I can't bring myself to sell!

Hmmm. Since M ate all the chocolate cake this morning, I wonder what breakfast will be tomorrow????


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