Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yet Another Simply Joy Sunday...Do YOU notice the little things?

I'm lazy. Extra lazy.

I have been extra blessed this week. My husband gave me an early birthday/Mother's Day/10th anniversary gift. An iPad! It is so cool and I feel extra cool when I have it in public. (FYI, I am not that cool.)

We had a couple of thunderstorms. I love the sound of thunder when I have nowhere to go. I even bought an ap for the iPad that has white noises. I could sleep and relax for days with this.

The smell of the fresh rain on Friday...the combination of fresh water and earthworms...I want to inhale.

The excitement of the kids as we bought a new (used) minivan.

I priced a bunch of stuff for our garage sale! I have a lot to go through but any progress is good!

What are you loving this week>

5 people like me!:

chelle said...

Until I got sick with the cold that all my children are suffering from I was loving how much I got done in the yard :)

Glad you had a great week!

chelle said...

Until I got sick with the cold that all my children are suffering from I was loving how much I got done in the yard :)

Glad you had a great week!

Athena's Armoury said...

Enjoy your new toy! I love playing with gadgets like that. I had a bunch of joys this week, too! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Be lazy. =)

Madeline said...

Sounds wonderful! Enjoy your new toy!

Holly said...

An iPad and a minivan in one week! Go you!

We had some thunderstorms today too. Few other things remind me that I actually live on a planet.

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