I am continuing to try to notice the little things in life that make me smile. Please join me!

Ordinarily, the above scene would not make me smile. It would probably have made my blood boil even 3 months ago. But, the day that Miss D had a blast throwing cereal all around the living room this week? It didn't faze me a bit. She had a great time. I picked it up with a little of her help. We went on with the day and it was wonderful.

I found 3 pairs of jeans for Miss M on clearance. They fit her in the waist fine with the adjustable waistband but were too long for her. I actually got all 3 pairs hemmed while sitting in the car line at school. Go me actually getting something done in a timely fashion!

And the K Man? He paid attention at swimming lessons for a change and swam a few strokes of the front crawl finally. He was very proud of himself and I was happy I had the camera to capture his pride. He also made my heart melt once again when we were at the mall with
Amma yesterday. He was bugging her to give him money to play one of the rip-off games they have stationed in the food court area and she grew tired of him asking every 3 seconds so she finally told him that she was too poor to pay for that. He grew very somber and said: "Oh I didn't know that! I have some coins in my bank at home that you can have."
Pretty sure my heart burst wide open with that one. My children are amazing people.
Are you noticing the simple joys of life? Please share them here in the comments or on your own blog. (Link here if you play along on your blog and let me know so I can link you here too.)
Playing along:
Wishing you a week of simple joys.
3 people like me!:
That was really sweet of K Man! What a thoughtful young man you have. You must have been so proud
I played this week. Sort of.
What a sweet little boy!!!
Your kids are great! And I'm impressed that you hem while waiting in your car. Are you that productive all the time?
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