Friday, December 11, 2009

Poetic Justice: A Snowy Edition

The grown man, sitting in his sedan wearing only a sweatshirt as the temps outside dip to -3 degrees, waiting pathetically while another man digs him out of a snowbank.


Watching the cocky teenage boy gun his pickup just a little too much and launch it into the snowbank. Suppressing your laughter as he tries to power the truck out with no success. Seeing his embarrassment as he calls for help.


Psst! Those thinking about joining Aweigh Round 2, we're going to postpone until after the new year. Please email me with your intent to participate and the prize you intend to contribute asap. Part of the reason I'm postponing is that I had only 2 emails indicating interest and prize donation!

1 people like me!:

chelle said...

I am interested just can't give it any attention at the moment.

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