Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Adventure of Miss M and Her Mommy

Miss M has asked me many times over the last 3 or 4 years when she will be able to fly in an airplane. We live near an airport and actually go the the airport on occasion just to watch the airplanes. My answers were often flippant and decidedly negative: when we have lots of money ... when you save up your money ... I don't know but it will be a while!

Last week her opportunity literally rode up on the beach at the resort where we were staying. And at first? She said no. She didn't want to go. Her stomach. Her anxiety. These are beginning to dull the spirit of my once-fearless daughter. I reminded her of the many many times she had asked me when she would fly in an airplane. I told her she may never have an opportunity like this again. Still she didn't want to go, until she heard her cousins were going to fly.

Just as the plane was pushed off the beach and the engine was about to fire, one of my nephews wanted to bail out on the adventure. We all had our headphones on so we could hear one another. Miss M heard the nervous request, clutched her stomach and said she wanted out too. My sister-in-law and I pretty much told them they were too late to get out and tried to joke them into smiles.

The photo yesterday is Miss M at takeoff. All smiles, all excitement. She was alternately intrigued and anxious during the short half-hour flight, one minute giggling, the next moaning and holding her stomach.

I, of course, took a lot of photos...166 from the time I entered the plane to when I exited it. I got some great shots as I sat in the co-pilot's seat. The side window was open which offered a delicious breeze on a hot summer day, and also offered an unobstructed view to shoot photos from.
This is one of the highlights of the scenic flight. Pelican Island in Leech Lake.
All those white dots are birds!

Here's an aeriel view of the resort where we stay.

I was glad to have our trusty semi-new Canon Rebel to get some amazing shots on this flight. Miss M perked up a lot when the pilot said we'd be landing soon. She was amazed at the whole process, even with the stomach issues.

Once we stepped out of the plane she shouted "That was awesome, Dude!"

I have to agree.

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chelle said...

What an adventure! How amazing that she was able to conquer her fear and anxiety and accomplish something she really wanted! Way to go Mom for encouraging her along the way!

Anonymous said...

It was all worth it, wasn't M? Amma

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Good for you for giving her that opportunity. She'll never forget it.

I love small planes, but I have to hold my stomach not because I'm anxious, but for the other reason.

Hip Mom's Guide said...

That IS awesome. The whole trip sounds awesome, actually. Yeah for summer!

Madeline said...

Y'all sure had a fabulous adventure! So glad Miss M decided to go despite the anxiety.

for a different kind of girl said...

The first time I ever got in a plane, I was nearly 30, and it was a tiny little two-seater. I was covering a fly-in breakfast for the newspaper, and the grocery store manager managed to talk pilot into taking me up when, over pancakes, I joked that I'd never even been near a plane. I was skittish as they nearly drug me toward the plane, but it was amazing once I got up there. I think my face looked just like Miss M's with the huge smiles and such, when we finally landed. Heck, I may have even said, "That was awesome, Dude!" too!

So glad you had that opportunity and persuaded her to stay on!

mayberry said...

That IS awesome, dude! And I love the picture of her from yesterday's post too. Great grin!

louann said...

Oh wow! what an adventure!!

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