Friday, May 15, 2009

Fiction: The Best Laid Plans

She wasn't wearing any shoes. It wasn't so much a fashion statement (or lack of fashion statement) as it was laziness...or perhaps practicality. It was raining and shoes would have just gotten ruined.

Garrett was watching her from his living room window. He was trying not to watch but he was pulled to the window anyway. He felt slightly soiled, like her muddy feet, because he was watching her without her knowledge yet he continued to stare. She was his neighbor across the street, young and single and just the person he longed for in his life.

Lily was enjoying herself. The rain brought out the kid in her, and truth be told, the kid in her wasn't so long ago. She was splashing and dancing in the puddles, her Moonlight Madness toenails speckled with taupe mud, and hoping that her joy wasn't going unnoticed. She was a quiet person in general, but often she had the urge to be on stage with people watching her every move. She knew a quietly handsome man lived across the street and often fantasized about him watching her.

Lily had plans and a schedule for those plans. Married by 22, first baby by 23, sibling for that baby (opposite gender of course) by 25. It didn't occur to her to alter this plan even as she was without a steady boyfriend and nearly 21. Things always worked out for her. She had never been disappointed. Her mother told her she was even born on her due date, right on schedule.

She dipped her toes in a particularly large puddle and made a big show of pretending to find the water extraordinarily cold. She was a great actress in her eyes which naturally led her to believe that others were easily fooled by her.

Garrett chuckled to himself. It was as though she was dancing through the puddles just for him. He cleared his throat and his face sobered. It was obvious she was a tease. He didn't know why girls had to act that way.

He had plans and a schedule for those plans. Wait until dark, ring the girl's doorbell, get inside her house by 8. With any luck she'd be in his freezer by 9 and he wouldn't miss his racquetball game with his friend.

11 people like me!:

Madeline said...

Very creepy! Nicely written, but creepy. Makes me glad I don't have any bachelor neighbors!!

Chelsea said...

Wow! Very good story, didn't think it would turn out that way.

Karen MEG said...

oooohhh, beyond creepy... makes me shiver...

Ms. Maxwell said...

I'm not cool. I fake it, thanks to people like BusyDad and Blog Hoppers. You? Are a Fatal Attraction-ist screen play writer waiting to happen.

Amber said...

Ok, you so need to continue this! I need to know what happens. It makes me shiver....

Oh and I so should not have read this before bed. I have single neighbors as neighbors and hubby isn't home yet! eek!

Smartasstic Mom said...

Well, Dayam.


Michael Blanchard said...

Uh, that is the most fucked up and awesome thing I've read in a long time!

Perfect for Bloghopping!

marla said...

I love it. Awsome.

chelle said...

Ooo creepy I like it :D

Mayberry said...

OOOH! You totally got me!

Damselfly said...


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