Saturday, March 21, 2009

Giving You The Finger

So Thursday was apparently the day for me to fall down the stairs again. I've done it 3 times now in this house. It's sort of expected that it will happen every few years.

It was late morning. I was rushing to use the bathroom and get back downstairs. D has started climbing stairs and this time I thought I'd just pop upstairs to potty quickly and get back before she attempted the stairs. Most of the time I pop her in the pack and play or bring her upstairs with me but for whatever reason (thank goodness) I left her in the living room this time.

It was almost time to leave to take K to Boppa and Amma's house so D and I could go to her ECFE class. I suppose that's why I was rushing too. I came out of the bathroom and made it down the first few steps to the landing without incident. Then the second half of the stairs and my feet seemed to fail me. I think I hit the tread with only part of my foot which led to my foot slipping off the tread and sending me instantly downward. The brunt of my fall was taken my the three fingers of my left hand and (to a lesser degree) my right forearm. My finger bent backwards and I immediately thought that I'd broken all three.

D was at the bottom of the stairs, but again, thankfully, off to the side so I didn't land on her.

K said something on the order of "that's why you need to hang on" or something similarly unintentionally smart-assed. Then he wanted to climb in my lap and comfort me which really was not what I wanted at the time, although very sweet and well-intentioned.

I sucked it up and went to D's class but later that night I thought my middle finger might really be broken. I discussed the topic at length with several of my followers on Twitter. I don't think I've ever had such a response to any of my tweets.

Then Friday morning I realized I couldn't bend my finger much anymore and it was rather bruised. I called to make an appointment to see a doctor even though I knew they would essentially just tape up my finger and say "yep, you broke it!"

So here is the finger, pre-x-ray (which was RUSHED, btw. VIP finger apparently.) I did actually have it taped better than that the night before but I'd taken it off to shower and couldn't just slid it back on. And I'm too cheap to use more gauze and tape.

(Please take note of the awesome new jeans that are one whole size smaller than my old jeans. Also I love my Sketchers athletic shoes. My camera phone photography skillz ROCK!) Here is the finger post x-ray and post exam by doctor. He was not impressed with my taping job but I didn't feel like explaining the whole shower-removing, cheap-Heather connection.

Turns out the fracture is actually above the joint where the swelling and the bruising actually stop. It's HAWT though, isn't it?
My very sexy splint, to be worn AT ALL TIMES, except when I'm taking a shower (but only if I put it RIGHT BACK ON upon exiting the shower). I'm supposedly saddled with this for 3 to 4 weeks. Good times. Especially since M's 3-week school break is starting. I AM quite sad that I will not be able to wash dishes (that I mostly don't wash anyway). Oh well, doctor's orders!

During my exam the doctor paused and noted that my fingers are apparently freakishly long from the joint up. He felt the need to comment on this and seemed to sit in utter disbelief for a few moments. It's nice to know that I can stun doctors.

Freakishly long? These are the non-hurty digits.

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for a different kind of girl said...

After I took a header down our stairs this fall, I'm routinely paranoid that I'm going to have a repeat performance soon. Living in a split level is nerve-wracking!

Sorry you ended up with a fracture, but am glad it was nothing worse, like a leg or your entire arm! Oh, and if you have freakishly long digits above the joint, I think I must, too. If only I'd learned to play piano!

for a different kind of girl said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh geez! Woman you need your fingers to type! hehe please recover soon and be careful!

Anonymous said...

They don't look freakishly long to me...not at all. Bruised but not freakishly long. And you totally have an excuse to flip everyone off.

Amanda Conger said...

They don't look freakishly long to me. They look the same or a little shorter than mine. (But mine are also shorter from the knuckle to the first joint.)

Anyway, good luck with the healing! And too bad about the dishes. ; )

louann said...

well im glad nothing worse happened to you! falling down the stairs is scary.
i hope you recover soon!

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