Friday, March 27, 2009

Aweigh Results Show Week 9

Yeah, so that whole "hope everyone is healthy" thing? ...didn't work so well. But I'll tell you the rest of the story about that in my regular post (above) if you want to know about that.

As you can probably guess, I did not exercise at all this week. However after being sick in bed Monday night (and skipping supper) and basically not stuffing myself the rest of this week I will call it good if I am just even this week. (Hope I didn't gain again...seriously that would bum me out.) I will update here with my results as soon as I can (I have a doctor's appointment this morning for my finger and for that other issue that I'm writing about today.)

Updated: I lost 3 pounds! Woot!

Remember our prize this week is from fellow Aweigh participant Amber who blogs at The Wanna-Be Domestic Diva. Did you see those cards? They were all made by her! She's also an avid scrapbooker who gets to go away for scrapbooking retreats. I get a little jealous hearing about that since I can't even remember the last time I made a scrapbook page. Sigh. Anywho! Thanks Amber for making these beautiful cards and contributing to our sponsorship!

So how did you all do? Come on, don't be shy. You can admit if you've gained (have you noticed that I keep gaining? Hello!). You can admit if you've stayed the same. Same is good too I've decided. Especially the way things have been going lately. If you've lost? Get on it and brag! Give the rest of us hope that we can do it too!

One of my kids will choose the winner of our prize on Sunday so you have until at least noon on Sunday (cst) to post your results!

3 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

Well, this week was a bust- stayed the same which was good. Will try better next week and hope for the best!! Amma

Amber said...

I actually weighed in this week. I'm down 1.5 pounds! I will take it. better than nothing. I have been trying to be more diligent this week, and it seemed to help.

Chelsea said...

I stayed the same also this week, next week I will be working non stop so most likely will not get to snack as often.

P.S. Hope K feels better soon!!!

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