Monday, March 16, 2009

Aweigh Monday -Start of the Second Half- Week 8

Okay friends! Here we are starting the second half of the challenge. We didn't have many people post their results on Friday so I'm wondering if some of our participants are losing interest (or getting discouraged?). Anyone can join at any time, you'll be eligible to win the weekly prizes, just not the grand prize at this point.

The winner of the books from Harper Collins is Amma! She had pretty good odds to win since Chels already won the books and Guinevere didn't post her weigh in results...and no one else commented with their results! I'll send them your address.

This week Shades Jewelry is giving away another $10 gift card for their etsy shop and Harper Collins is giving away one copy each of Joy's LIFE Diet: Four Steps to Thin Forever by Joy Bauer.

And this week I am hoping to get back to exercising. Miss M is back at school this week and essentially back to her old self (with less tonsils) so perhaps I can get myself back in the saddle with exercising.

Updated: Miss M is NOT at school today because last night BOTH her and K Man were up barfing. FUN!

On the bright side, even though I gained weight last week I went shopping with my mom on Saturday and bought myself a new pair of jeans...a whole size smaller than my old jeans. My old jeans were saggy in the butt and just not attractive at all. I tried my new jeans out yesterday and let me tell you it felt great to wear them. I hope the next pair I buy is a smaller size yet. That is motivation right there my friends. Tangible evidence that I am getting smaller!

Anyone still out there participating?

2 people like me!:

Pam said...

Me, but I forgot to comment on the results. Whoops! I stayed the same weight last week (Girl Scout Cookies, I tell ya, but at least I didn't gain!) Now that I have more room in the basement, I'm hoping to be down there more on the treadmill (or woodworking).

Anonymous said...

That rocks A WHOLE SIZE SMALLER! You go girl!

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