Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Random Thoughts #29

  • I was fairly certain trying to get my son to write his name and a friend's name on each of 14 Valentines would be very, very painful. I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong. Some of them are even legible.
  • The baby looks closer and closer to walking every day. I hope that I am wrong. She is only 8 1/2 months old.
  • I've been running (with the Wii Fit game) almost every day for at least 10 minutes for the last 4 days. I feel slightly less like dying each time I run. Good times.
  • I have not lost any weight because all this exercising make me hungry.
  • Wondering if I should cut back on exercising so that I cut back on eating.
  • I have 47,872 things to do but because I'm doing this exercising it seems like I have no time to do anything else.
  • I'm very good at rationalizing why I shouldn't be exercising.
  • Although my jeans do feel like they are going to fall down so I'm not sure why the scale has to be all mean and say that I haven't lost any weight (and some days tells me I've gained weight! Bastard.)
  • My husband and I sort of have a date on Friday. M and K are going to a dance camp night for a couple of hours so Craig and I are planning to go out to eat. We'll have the baby chaperon.
  • Naturally, Craig is sick. I think he might be allergic to spending time with me.
  • My son is covered in bruises. I'm beginning to worry.
  • He is clumsy, but still.
  • I bought two African Violet plants for my kids to give to their church secret Valentines.
  • My son's Valentine turned out to be a teenage boy. I'm pretty sure he was thrilled with the plant.
  • I'm wondering why the baby slept better as a newborn than she does now.
  • It's supposed to be almost 50 degrees here today. Thinking about getting out my swimsuit. Would not put it on because that would just look icky. And silly. Because I haven't lost any weight.
  • I can't figure out why every single track on Prince's album Purple Rain is marked explicit on iTunes. Obviously all the naughty stuff was over my head as a kid.
  • I still need one more sponsor for Aweigh. You can be a blogger, have an etsy shop, a commercial business, whatever. Email me and/or leave a comment if you're interested.

I'm sending you over to Midwest Parents again because we have a very special guest poster whom many of you probably already know well!

8 people like me!:

Unknown said...

Just because the scale doesn't say any weight loss...doesn't mean you aren't losing inches...that's why people shouldn't be so caught up on the ##...

BTW...loved reading the list!

Anonymous said...

Yup you should take some measurements as well. I ran and ran last year and lost every little to begin with but man was I toned and buff looking. My legs are still cut nicely.

Nice list :)

for a different kind of girl said...

I would second (third) the measurements thing, too, and rely less on the scale. I can't step on the scale more than once a week because it is too much for me. It has a tendency to unleash a lot of the negative self-talk I do coming off years of disordered eating.

Reading this reminds me that I have to sit down tonight with my youngest son and have him get his Valentine's Day cards signed for his class party on Thursday...which means we also need to dig up a box to decorate for a mailbox. The night's looking a bit busier than I initially thought!

anymommy said...

Dreading the Valentines. You give me hope.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I think you should give a review of the Wii Fit after a few months of using it. I still want to buy one buy I won't if people say it's garbage. But it sounds like you're using yours so I'd like to hear about it.

Ya gotta love the weather huh? We can almost see the blacktop on our road here!

Madeline said...

Muscle actually weighs more than fat, so it's quite possible that you are toning up and trimming up without the scales knowing it. After having my baby, I went through a weird period of losing quite a few inches but no weight, then when he hit a year inches and weight started coming off together. Now I'm at a standstill. Argh!

melissa said...

Funny...I have an 8.5 month old who seems very close to walking, too!

Damselfly said...

Wondering how your son got paired up with a teenager....

My boy has had bruises on his body, usually his legs, since he learned how to walk. It's always something. Maybe he inherited my klutz gene.

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