Those cliches are all true. I guess that's why they're cliches.
She'll have her first taste of "solid" food today. "Solid" with the quotes as the cereal will be more milk than cereal the first few times. It's bittersweet, because this marks the time that she will begin to need me less and less. Already.
She'll also continue to develop into her own self and reveal herself to us more and more. We're so very lucky to have her.
Happy half-birthday Ms. D. I love every little piece of you.

14 people like me!:
SWOOOOON I'm in love. Six months is such a beautiful age and you have a beautiful beautiful girl. Try not to dwell on independence and what it means to you (I had a huge bout of that yesterday and it's too sad to dwell on).
Those eyes! She's gorgeous. Happy 6 months!
She looks like the happiest six month old! I love, love, love that age. You can just see so much firing behind those eyes!
How did six months go by so quickly (probably because I'm getting more sleep than you). She is gorgeous. That smile makes me melt.
Awww! Those smiles are adorable. They grow up way too fast.
Great shots as always! That's so great you post them all.
We had a momentous occasion in our household today, too: someone pooped in the potty! We're on our way...
She is beautiful! And she looks like the happiest kid alive!
Happy 6 months beautiful girl!!! =)
Hi smiley- you are so cute! Amma
I agree with everyone else - she looks beuatiful & oh so happy :)
How have six months gone by already?! Seriously.
Miss D is such a character.
Oooo she is so adorable!!!!
Happy Six Months!
Such bright sparkly eyes! Precious!
You should make up a new cliche. Let's see. How about,
"Green penguins only fly to the East?"
Oh wait, I think I've used that before... ;)
@Guinevere Meadow That penguin cliche is one of my favorites! ; )
Thanks all for the compliments for Ms. D. I may be biased, but I think all of my kids are beautiful, supremely intelligent beings. I am lucky.
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