Monday, October 20, 2008


So I'm trying to lose some weight. Sort of. I mean I'm not getting all crazy and exercising or anything that drastic. I have been trying to cut back on my late night snacking, which is what really kills me most of the time.

I stopped buying those Tollhouse cookies from Target. Mmmm Tollhouse. Honestly, I could eat a whole carton of those in one sitting. They're dangerous. If you've never bought them, don't. They're like cookie crack.


I stopped buying the Pringles wheat sticks that are so yummy and all the other little snacks that I just cannot have in the house or I will eat not just one but the whole box.

Except ice cream. I still have my bowl of ice cream. And it's not a small bowl. And sometimes it's two bowls.

It's delicious. But shhhhh. Don't tell my butt that I'm eating it. Maybe it won't keep it around then.

I've discovered that having a baby and nursing are excellent ways for me to lose weight. But since D will be the last baby to come from Heather's Hotel I should probably get my act together and change more of my eating habits so I can continue to lose.

So far, I weigh 12 pounds less than I did when I first got pregnant last year. If you count the weight that I've lost since I was at my all-time non-pregnant high, I've lost 29 pounds. (more than 2 of D)

I've been participating in Christie O's Hot for the Holidays blog weight-loss support group and it's been good to have a place to be held accountable even in the small way of having to report whether I've gone up or down.

I still have a long way to go, but I'm encouraged by my progress so far, even when the scale goes up a few pounds here and there. I just correct myself and get headed in the right direction again.

Although perhaps exercising would help too.

13 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! Amma

Kelly Drill said...

Wow! Great job so far! I'm with you on this journey - seems the busier I am, the more the weight stays "stuck." Just need to take it one step at a time, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

WHOOT....whoot!!! KaB

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to have will power!! Snacking at night is what gets me too. I can go all day and be a model dieter then bah ... I need to get a gym membership :)

Kirsetin Morello said...

Good for you! I know what you mean about late night snacking, and also, really tasty treats. My girlfriend makes brownies so good we all call them "crack brownies." When her daughter asked why, she paused for a second, then explained, "It's because when you bake them, they get all these tiny cracks in the top." Brilliant! Still, they are not good for late night snacking.

for a different kind of girl said...

Keep up the great work! Seriously, every little bit you can do to help yourself is a step toward the greater goal, and you've made some great strides by cutting out some of your triggers. I'm like you. I can't give up the ice cream. Anything but the ice cream!

Damselfly said...

Wow, that's fantastic you've lost so much weight! My husband lost a lot just by switching to diet soda.

soccer mom in denial said...

Good job! I was 15 lbs over my ideal weight when I was pregnant with the boys. Nursing, not sleeping and not eating (and not a diet I suggest) got me down to nearly 10 lbs under my ideal weight.

I've managed to stay at my ideal weight but have focused more on my heart/cholesteral health. I actually started running even though I don't like it. I'm up to 4 miles and it is by far the best and quickest "bang for the buck".

Congrats though! Losing weight is super-duper hard.

Mrs. Swizzle said...

Sounds like you're doing a great job! Don't do anything crazy like exercise until you're really desperate!

Lately, my late night craving is Nutter Butters. God help me. Mmmm. The little 4 packs that I dump in the "kids' snacks" drawer. Definitely my weakness.

Kara said...

Good luck! My downfall is late night snacking too. It's so hard to change that!

louann said...

Yey Heather! I hope you hit your ideal weight =)

Alex Elliot said...

Good for you! Losing any weight at all is a big deal. I'm always amazed at how heavy a 3 lb weight feels in my hand.

Jen S. said...

That's the best way to do it!

Since we moved into our house 6 months ago, I've gained a few pounds just by no longer taking a daily walk. Our apartment we lived in before was across the street from a park with a 1/4 mile loop walkway, so Kiddo and I would go for stroller walks every day. It's not as interesting to walk through a neighborhood. My eating habits and everything else have remained the same, but by missing out on my daily 30-45 minute walk, the weight has shot up.

So I'm trying to start walking again if it's only boring houses to look at!

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