Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pssst...Have you heard?

Hey, I don't know if you've heard or not, but analog TV is going away in February 2009.

In my area you'd have to live under a rock to not know, seeing as every television station has little reminders flashed on the screen at least 4739 times a day. Why couldn't they just make it an even 5000, or even 4740?

We got all excited here and sent away for the coupons to get $40 off on the purchase of a convertor box. We (and by we, I mean Craig) used one of the coupons right away and stuck the other one in a safe place until we could see if we needed another one.

Well, the other coupon expired while we were waiting so that didn't work out so well.

And the digital TV? So far, it's not that great. During inclement weather the signal fades (which I"m fairly certain was supposed to be a benefit of digital TV-that it doesn't fade) and gets all hiccupy. (Yay I'm making up words!) It reminds me of good old Max Headrom. As if it wasn't annoying enough when he was around. (How is old Max these days?)

But just in case you haven't heard: analog TV is going bye bye.

You're welcome.

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Awesome Mom said...

We have our converter too and I am not super thrilled with the quality of the signal either. It always seems to cut out when it is the kids watching the tv so I get to deal with them freaking out because they can't watch Elmo.

Damselfly said...

I know! We got a digital box last year after friends got it because we're copycats sometimes. But because we (gasp!) don't have cable, and because we also deal with the digital outage every time it so much as sprinkles (and some stations don't come in very well anyway), I am thinking there won't be much to watch when February comes. Right now, we can toggle back and forth easily between digital and our "rabbit ears" (which are in the attic) reception, but next year, we won't be able to do that.

Makes you wonder if digital is all it's cracked up to be.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what they are doing up in Canada yet, however we have troubles getting channels (we do not have cable) but when we were in the US we always could get a few digitally.

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