Yep. Making the torture official again. I will be posting every day in November. Although I've pretty much been posting every day for a few weeks now anyway.
Consider yourselves warned.
Actually, I really like writing every day if I can think of something to say. But then there are days like today where ... well, not so much to say.
Or maybe it's more like no time to say it.
I'm working on a custom tutu that someone ordered from my shop and I'm also working on 2 dozen baby announcements for my friend's little sister.
Baby D is pretty much determined that I cannot work on any of these things. I think she's teething pretty hard right now. Poor peanut.
I tend to get things done if I have a deadline though, so pressure is good for me. I might panic but I always manage to get things done. If I don't have a deadline I procrastinate. Actually I procrastinate anyway but then I do the task at the last minute.
I'm fun like that.
So this is my long-winded way of saying I'm participating in the 3rd annual National Blog Posting Month. It's my plan to write some fiction during the month but you know how that goes.
Hey! Have you checked things out over at Midwest Parents lately? It gets kind of lonely over there sometimes. Just because we're writing about the Midwest doesn't mean that you have to live here to read!
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ALWAYS NOVEMBER!!! AHHHH ... hehe I am always uber busy in November and that is when everyone gets all bloggy!
hehe Good luck! May the force be with you!
Good for you! You can totally do it. I did the same in July and was so proud of myself when I got into a consistent routine and actually made it happen. You go, girl!
I admire people like you. I can barely manage a post a week lately!
Goodluck! Sounds like a busy month =)
Do you ever actually sleep?
HOW DO YOU DO IT Heather??? I can't even post one per month!! Good luck to you and sorry if I haven't visited in a while. And I love your "shop" by the way! Very creative! I wish I can take my sewing hobby to a next level.
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