Friday, September 19, 2008

They Think We're Awesome

Babies, once they are past the newborn lump-of-mush stage, are fantastically easy creatures to please. Well, mine were/are anyway. They don’t ask for much (and not just because they can’t talk). They cry. Check and change diaper. Still crying? Feed. Still crying? Give her a few whaps on the back until you elicit a man-sized belch from a 12-pound body. Smiles all around.

I love that something as simple as bicycling my baby’s legs for her can merit a laugh. A kiss on the bottom of sweet baby feet encourages a giggle. A goofy face earns an easy smile. Never in my life again will I be as entertaining and hilarious as I am to my infant daughter.

But the aspect of having a baby that I love and will miss the most as D grows is by far the adoring looks that I get. When she looks at me with those clear, innocent blue eyes I feel like I really am pretty great. She doesn’t yet know that mommies sometimes fail, that they make mistakes. All she knows is that I’m there for her whenever she needs me.

Those adoring looks can really keep me going.


beaucoup shower

Kristen and Rebecca are nearing the end of their pregnancies so we’re throwing a virtual baby shower…and we get a chance to win stuff! Good luck ladies! It's all worth it, but you knew that already.

The only reason I was able to write something a little lighter in tone on this subject is because my third (and last) baby is only 4 months old (almost). Ask me to write reminisce about babies this time next year and I’ll probably curl up in a corner and suck my thumb.

8 people like me!:

Damselfly said...

Dont' you love it when your baby makes you feel like a rock star? The feeling doesn't last, of course, but it gives you that mommy high....

louann said...

The simplest of simplest things can make them smile =)

Awesome Mom said...

Toddlers can be pretty appreciative too... when they want to be. I love all the hugs Harry gives me and the fact that he thinks I can fix anything. All he needs when he gets a bump on the head is a kiss from mommy and the crying stops.

Anonymous said...

Yes the adoring age is breathtaking! And the not talking part I appreciate with a preschooler in the house!

Maternal Mirth said...

Being a mom made me cool for the 1st time ever ... seriously.

How sad is that??? :)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh I have to say right now I can't get enough of my 5 day old baby girl! But I do love every stage!


Kate said...

Yeah, it is great that you are the center of their world right now. We have to hold onto that while it lasts.

Motherhood Uncensored said...

Yeah, those looks are priceless. Particularly in the middle of the night when you're SO exhausted. They do help make things a bit better.

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