Monday, September 29, 2008

The Return of the Fun Box

Miss M is on her first three week break from school. She goes to a year-round school where she goes for 9 weeks, then is off for 3 weeks, with a 6-week break in the summer time.

Three weeks goes by surprisingly fast, as I discovered last year when she was on her breaks. This year I want to make sure we do some fun stuff while she's on break, especially since I haven't been doing very well with that lately.

So, enter the Fun Box. Our old friend has been dusted off, and the first activity was drawn last night.

Today? Today we paint.

We added a few new things into our box, like making ice cream, building a pillow fort and going swimming at an indoor pool. I have to admit I'm a little excited to see what each day will bring.

What sorts of activities do you all do with your kids when the weather turns colder?

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Kate said...

Oh, good thinking. Have to start switching gears soon for indoor activities. Painting is a good thing. We also go to an indoor ice rink. But mostly indoor crafts and puzzles. My older son loves puzzles.

Anonymous said...

You'll have to blog more about what year round school is like.

We cook and bake alot. I'm not very creative.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was little making forts with blankets and the kitchen table chairs and then taking more blankets and putting them inside of the fort, making a little nest.If you do that you could pretend your camping. Since its not too cold now once more leaves fall it might be fun to make piles of leaves and jump into them.

Kirsetin Morello said...

This is great, Heather! I'm quite impressed, especially with a baby in the house. If MIss M has "quiet time" (my kids did when they outgrew naps), one thing I've found indispensable is a kids' tape player -- you know, the kind Fisher Price, et. al. make? Stock up on kids' books on tape, and you can buy yourself an hour to regroup after painting, while she enjoys stories in her room. Have fun!

Damselfly said...

That's a great idea. Thanks for the tip!

Here, we can't wait for the weather to get colder because then it's actually bearable to be outside.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Roseanna had the same school schedule for the previous 3 years. She loved it, especially when she was off for 3 weeks when her brothers were in school.

Anonymous said...

Ooo I love the fun box idea!!!!

We do a lot of painting, pretend play, fort making and baking together.

Angi said...

we made caramel apples today, it would be a fun one to add to the box this time of year. It was fun & easy, and the kids thought I was the best Momma ever :)

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