Friday, September 26, 2008

Questionable parenting

I'm not sure what this says about my parenting, but it's probably not good.

He calls the group Smashing Corn.

A few months ago:

Who sings this song mom?

Smashing Pumpkins.

Oh I like this song.

A few days later:

I want to listen to Smashing Pumpkins.

Oh I was wrong, it's Korn.

Smashing Korn?

No, just Korn.

Just Korn?

No, Korn.

OH! Smashing Korn!

11 people like me!:

Angelique said...

Oh, gosh. I'm honestly not the sort of person to gush over people's kids, but this was hilariously CUTE.

Thank you so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Gooooooooooooo K!! Amma

Anonymous said...

Haha! That made me crack up! Smashing Korn

Awesome Mom said...

Maybe Smashing Korn is a tribute band that plays Smashing Pumpkins and Korn songs. Lol!

Anonymous said...

I see the headlines in 20 years:
Smashing Corn starring Big K!!!!! Do you like corn????

Honey Mommy said...

That's funny. I'm afraid my boy is going to like Blink 182 a bit too much!

Janet said...

It looks like he's ready for the mosh pit, mama!

So cute.

Christie O. said...

hahahahah! i love this!!!

that is. hilarious. he loves KORN!!!!!! too funny. and congrats on the loss! I'd still call it a big fat four pounds, sister!

Damselfly said...

My husband would call that driving-into-work music. But for you, I guess that's picking-up-from school music?

I agree with Janet -- he's a future mosher!


Wendy said...

That's so funny! Like Who's on first (or however that went). Noah loves my music, too. I got him an MP3 player for his birthday, and now he listens to the milder ones all the time. Kinda weirds me out that his favorite song is Animals, though. He thinks it's actually about animals. lol

Anonymous said...

hehehe love it! I think kids need to listen to more than just Raffi!

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