Sunday, June 22, 2008

One Quick Month

First of all, yes, I am planning to bore you all with a vacation recap. However, I have just finished uploading the 1171 vacation photos plus a few that I've taken since I got home. So, the recap shall start sometime this week. I will also probably post some regular posts so that you have something to read other than my rather dull vacation regurgitation.

Today was a big day at our house. Ms. D is officially 1 month old. How can that be? It was a quick first month with her, but already my memory of life before her is fading.

And now, some gratuitous baby photos:

14 people like me!:

Sandy said...

She's adorable....

and I cannot believe she's already one month old either.

Anonymous said...

Oh she is a cutie! Amma

Pam said...

OMG! I love that last one - she looks like she's contemplating taking over the world. In a tutu, no less.

Or, she's pooping. ;)

Heather said...

Sandy- Is this like the pregnancy thing where it passed quickly for you because you didn't have bleeding nipples?

Amma- Not that you're biased or anything.

Bikini- I think it's probably both.

Anonymous said...

I agree with bikini the last picture is a cute one, all of the pictures are good. Can't wait to read your recaps about vacation!

Amanda said...

Gratuitous my foot, those are utterly necessary.
Love 'em.

Anonymous said...

You said two things here that are just hard to believe: 1) she's a month old already?! and 2) 1171 photos, are you kidding?! Finally, someone with a quicker trigger finger than me. But at least you have such cute subjects!

Anonymous said...

oh my

she is .... GORGEOUS!

How can it be one month??????????

Ovaries are quivering!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Oh my, what an angel!

Kara said...

I love the little tutu on her. She is so very adorable.

Alex Elliot said...

How sweet! Love the tutu photo!

Damselfly said...

Oh my goodness! What are you trying to do to me, a woman whose uterus is just craving a baby! Look at that sweetness. Actually, she looks like quite a character. She looks like she's been joking around with someone while her picture is being taken ... or like maybe she has a joke she wants to share.

Angi said...

she is so flipping cute Heather!!

Heather said...

Time passes so quickly!

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