Monday, January 28, 2008

The Sound of Silence

I settle into the La-Z-Boy with a sigh. The kids are upstairs in M’s room, playing quietly together. After a moment, my body relaxes. It feels luxurious to sit and not have to referee a wrestling match for a few minutes.

Then it hits me. The kids are playing quietly.

This can’t be good.

Previous quiet playtime has resulted in such fiascoes as: the great hair-cutting incident; painting body, wall and miscellaneous other surfaces with Desitin (not easy to clean, by the way); the 4003-stuffed-animal jamboree and the feed-the-cat-12-days-worth-of-food-in-2-minutes-disaster. However, each of those little adventures occurred when my children were “playing” alone.

Follow me for the rest of the story!

I'm a little late posting today! Sorry to my fellow collaborators. Apparently pregnant lady brain is really setting in. I was waiting for one of you to post! Dur!

2 people like me!:

Kara said...

The good silence is sooooo good.

Duchess of Insanity said...

I can't wait until my two girls can play without supervision.

Enjoy the silence! :)

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