Thursday, December 13, 2007

Yet more proof

Let me say that today hasn't been the best of days.

Although it could be worse. It could always be worse.

I had my OB appointment. Thankfully, the Munchkin is still looking good. I'm measuring where I should be, and his/her heartbeat sounds strong. I, however, lost another 4 pounds this month. Apparently that's not a great thing to have lost 14 pounds during your pregnancy. I haven't been barfing. I've been eating an insane amount of calories.

So, I had to have more blood drawn to check my thyroid. If it turns out to be my thyroid, there is no real risk to me or baby, so I don't know why we're checking it anyway.

This afternoon I dropped K at preschool and went to get some groceries. I arrived home and started to unpack when the phone rang.

It was M's teacher.

Yet more proof that I am doing a craptastick job of parenting.

Miss M will have an in-school detention tomorrow. It seems that, even after the principal chatted with her yesterday about the playground rules she was breaking, she decided to continue to break them today.

She was sliding down the slide head-first. Why would she think this is safe? She was pushing other kids down the slide. Well, her and her good friend. She says she wasn't pushing anyone and that her "friend" was "forcing" her to do it all (including the sliding head-first).

I told her that no one can "force" her to do things that she doesn't want to do. She assures me that I will get no more phone calls like that.

My son is currently in his room, bare-assed and screaming because he didn't want his pull-up changed and also doesn't want to wear underwear.

Both kids fought and screamed in the car on the way home from their schools. As usual.

It sure is a good thing I'm having another baby since I'm doing such a bang-up job of raising the two that are already here.

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Pam said...

Ouch. I can empathize with the calls from school. And also, the complete lack of pants and sanity.

You may be in a rough patch, but stick with it and take care of yourself. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

And thyroid stuff is irritating, but not insurmountable. Are you sure you're not living my life, but out of order?

soccer mom in denial said...

Oh. My. Stars. I can't stop laughing. I am right there in the what-was-I-thinking-having-THREE club!!

Last week's proud moment in parenting came at dinner when the boys came downstairs from "playing" in their room. One had scratch marks all over his face like a cat attacked him (we don't own a cat). The other one had blood coming out of his swollen nose.

I think my youngest was on the computer the entire time. Clearly I was paying attention to my brood.

Don't worry. Those days you describe are (really) far and few between.

Sandy said...

Umm...I believe I win that prize this week.

I think we should just run away together.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

You and Sandy need to leave the kids at home with the hubbies and head out for a night on the town together. I think it's time.

Angeline said...

What a day! Must be exhausting for a pregnant mommy!

Its during such time that probably makes you wonder, why am I adding one more trouble to the 2 that I am already stuck with? *wink*

And when the 2 are like angels, you can't wait to get the 3rd blessing out of your tummy asap, ya? *smile*

Angi said...

I am laughing too, but only because I have been there...more times than I cna count. You forget the good days when you have a crappy one & pregnancy can make it all seem SO much worse.

You are doing a great job, and you will be a wonderful Momma of three!

chelle said...

We all have those proud parenting moments. Hang in there, with so much on your plate you should be proud of yourself!

Kara said...

Oh, Heather. I have had some bad days this week too. Is it a full moon this week??

Chin up, you are handling it all well. Someday, we'll all look back and laugh at these posts, right?

Alex Elliot said...

I'm sending you my empathy! I know it's not funny, but I did get a chuckle out of reading your post. There are days that I wonder what I was thinking when I decided to have any kids!

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