Saturday, November 3, 2007

Even more stuff about me

Jennifer asked me to do this meme again, and since I like to play along...especially when someone is nice enough to link to me...I'm again doing a modified version of this meme.

So here are 7 more weird or random facts about me: (the pregnancy edition)

  1. I used to think I make a great pregnant woman. Apparently now that I am getting older I don't make such a great pregnant lady. Or maybe I just whine more now.
  2. I manufacture copious amounts of mucus while pregnant. (You're welcome for sharing.) I think my nose is stuffed up for the entire 40 weeks. The glamorous life I lead.
  3. I get that dark line down the middle of my belly, from my navel to my, well, you know. Whatever the line is called, I forget and I'm too lazy to look it up right now.
  4. My belly button has never "popped" like I see on a lot of pregnant ladies.
  5. We pick out joke names for our kids while I'm pregnant. K's names were Talulah and Juha. I can't remember M's names right now. This one, so far is Tipper or Newt. Or maybe Hardy or Harvey. (If you know our last name those last 2 names are hilarious, trust me.)
  6. I have taken 4 pregnancy tests since the first test I took. Now that I've seen baby and the heartbeat this need to take more tests should subside.
  7. If my other pregnancies are an indication, I should be able to feel my munchkin move in about 5 more weeks.

I'm not playing by all the meme no tagging...but if you want to do it, go for it.

2 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

I remember when M was born that Justin said you should of named her Henrietta but other than that I don't remember the nicknames either. P.S. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the mexican and thanks for coming again!

Damselfly said...

Hee hee! My husband and I decided when people asked us what we were going to name the baby, we'd either use the name of the person asking, or we'd make up something ridiculous like "Hercules."

I got that line too. It's still there but very, very faint.

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