- Foods that you don't particularly care for will cause an immediate urge to lose your lunch. Therefore, your kids will ask for said food multiple times a day. For me? Bananas. Urp. I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth thinking about them.
- Some food you may not have previously liked you will suddenly crave. When I was pregnant with K I wanted tomatoes all the time. Now I love tomatoes.
- The "girls" will feel like someone has been using them as punching bags. Naturally, around this time your kids will begin to use your left one as leverage to steady themselves while getting their pants on in the morning.
- The urge to barf will occur at the most inconvenient times.
- Your baby will probably begin to demand copious amounts of chocolate, even when he or she is the size of a grain of rice.
- If you're prone to crying when you're not pregnant, be prepared to have tears in your eyes over the store not having your favorite brand of mustard in stock.
Sooo, yeah. Beginning the feeling craptastick stage. While I feel craptastick, I also feel a bit relieved.
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Sounds...textbook. And that's the relief, isn't it.
Copious amounts of chocolate are essential for normal fetus development. :-)
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