One of the current exhibits is based on Curious George. Both of my kids love George so this was wonderful for them.

They also enjoyed the "main street" themed area. K was the supermarket checker for a while, while M enjoyed delivering mail to the different homes and businesses.
There was a rooftop art area where the kids could paint with water, sculpt with sand and do chalk drawings, although our kids liked using the mops to "clean" the chalk area better than using the chalk to draw pictures.
The kids had a blast today which always seems like a great day to me.
One of the employees of the museum discovered it was K's birthday and gave him a button that said "Today's my Birthday!" which was fun for him. M was a bit jealous that she didn't have a button though.
We got home and I went back into town to get the promised ice cream cake that I said the kids would have tonight after supper. Man, those things are over-priced. Why does it cost more to make the ice cream into a circle and put a few sprinkles on top? Anyway, the kids thought it was cool to have an ice cream cake. I might have thought it was tasty too.
Fun, but long day.
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