Monday, February 26, 2007

The words every mother dreams of hearing...

Yes, tonight I heard the words I never thought I'd hear:

Could I have some more betchtables mama?

I made grilled salmon and mixed baby carrots, baby corn and peas for supper. The kids both ate everything on their plates AND asked for more.


4 people like me!:

wayabetty said...

Don't you love it?! I'm as excited for you as you are!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

When I first read it, I thought she was asking for more belchables. But maybe that's what she meant.

Kara said...

I'm impressed that they ate the salmon! It's great to have kids that will try new foods!

Kate said...

Can you please come to my hosue and talk to my children, please! My 1 year old is already refusing greens. How is that possible?

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