It involved sequins and glue and glitter.
Glitter people. I'm just saying.
Who's da mommy?
Oh and as the hamburger was defrosting for supper. Massages. For both kids.
I'm not on crack but it sure sounds like it doesn't it?
I need props. Seriously. Because I changed sheets and baked (okay the ready-to-bake kind) cookies too. AND gave piggy back rides.
My kids were wondering where their mom went.
9 people like me!:
If I could find my goat milking award, I'd send it to YOU!
I'd rather have a dozen bunnies living in my home than one bottle of glitter on my shelf.
Look who is the brave one!
Awww, that looks like fun! We did craft projects over the weekend, too that involved paint. I know, I said paint! You go, June...
Very impressive. What a little glitter can do!
Glitter was banned from our house years ago. I once went to a business meeting with a butt full of glitter after sitting in a pile of it before I left home.
So yes, you are a great mommy in my book.
June?!? More like Martha!
You do rock and you are DA queen of all mommies. In fact, you're like Queen MaTifah!
Yoo Hoo June, over here! You are awesome! I think I could be the war lord against glitter. I wont let one bottle come with in 100 feet of the house.
The crafts look great and the kids look so happy.
It's so fun to have those days sometimes! It's like some energy enters your body for a day and fun ensues! Rock on!
BTW, I like your new haircut! Noticed it at pickup yesterday.
A great project, I'll have to bookmark that one for use during Christmas vacation.
Digging the "ALF" sweater-
Very cool!!
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