Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Random Thoughts #1...stuff about me

I'm going to write some stuff about me. Why? Because this is my blog and I can. Because I spend 90 % of my day taking care of and worrying about others and letting them do all the talking. Because I'm not much of a talker, but let me write and I'll write you a novel (as you've seen). So it begins, my first "official" random thoughts post.

Things I love (not including people, because those are obvious)

  • snack-size baggies...they're just simply a wonderful invention...who needs all that extra bag anyway?
  • Fantastik can clean everything with it...carpet, countertops, sinks, clothes...and it works fabulously.
  • similarly, Clorox wipes...I don't think I'd have cleaned much of anything that first year after K was born if not for these. I was simply too tired to care about cleaning with the 2 young kids.
  • My Sit-N-Stand stroller... this was also essential especially that first year after baby #2 was born since M would not ride in a double stroller, especially if you really wanted her to. She was happy to stand. Of course, now, both kids want to stand.
  • beer...and cheese...preferably together.
  • buying stickers for scrapbooking...I don't know if I'll ever get around to using them all, but it's such fun to pick them out and dream of the pages I will make with them.

I am a car snob. Not that I drive some top-of-the-line car, and not that I care what anyone else is driving, but I feel the need to have a "cool" car. So I drive a PT Cruiser. It's red. (I wanted green, but they discontinued the color before I could get my car made.) We also own a mini-van. I drive it when necessary, but I don't like to.

I was the top student in my Journalistic Skills class in college. Wouldn't my professor be impressed with how I am using those talents? I am always finding errors in our local newspaper and it drives me insane. I'm sure I have typos on here, but, you know, I'm not getting paid to care. And ads with mistakes. Come on people, you're paying to make an impression on potential customers. Mistakes just make you look dumb. Of course my sentence fragments and grammatical errors in this blog are equally impressive.

I graduated from college Summa Cum Laude. And I didn't really work that hard. I have a BS in Mass Communications with a Public Relations emphasis, and a minor in Speech Communications. The classes were easy for's the applying to real-life that is the problem. I must just be a great test-taker. Although job interviews are sort of a test and I usually tank at those. I'd love to go back to school for nursing, but that takes effort...

I make a great pregnant lady. I actually really loved being pregnant. It's the getting the kid out that I suck at. Both of my kids were born via c-section. M was born at 41 weeks after an emergent c-section. K was born at 40 weeks via a planned c-section. I think my kids would stay in the Mommy Hotel forever if we didn't evict them.

Things I think about that are not at all interesting or important:

  • I wonder if Crayola makes refills for those bathtub crayons. My kids love them. They come with this plastic around them that seems a shame to throw away. So I keep all the empty ones. I don't know what I'm saving them for.
  • I wonder if I should let M's bangs grow out so that they're the same length as the rest of her hair. I wonder if I could stand to hear my Mom complain about how long M's bangs are during the growing-out process.
  • I wonder what one of my friends is thinking when she looks at me. She is always looking at me with no smile and sort of a pissed-off looking face. I have no idea if she hates me or thinks everything I say is the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard.
  • I wonder if I could sell my old suits (business suits) at a consignment shop. I wonder if it's worth the time, and I wonder if, once I've sold them, I'll lose weight and get a job so then I'll wish I had them back.

Hmmm. I took a photo of K's road rash on his face, but I'm too tired to post it tonight. Maybe tomorrow.


1 people like me!:

Amy said...

MMMMMMM .... cheese. Maybe I should change my blog name to Chicken And Beer!

LOVE the new masthead, by the way.

And yeah, a journalism degree is so very marketable, isn't it? :)

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