Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Random Thoughts #18

I bought Miss M a little diary at the Target dollar spot a few weeks ago. It has Tinkerbell on the cover and has a little key and lock that she loves opening and closing. But that's not the best part. She'll go to get her book, give a sigh and say "I think I'll write in my blog."

I know I've written this before, but today he's intent on driving me insane. I KNOW K's hearing is fine, although his hearing in the low tones is borderline normal. I tell him to not touch something, he says "I know" or "okay" and proceeds to touch it less than 3 seconds later. Is he ever going to grow out of this?

I attended the PTA meeting for M's school last night. They've been trying to get a new gym built for 20 years now. I think it's time. If you could see the gym, which is also used for lunch, you'd see that it is desperately needed. Not only is it too small (51 kids in Kindergarten use it at the same time...the same for each grade level) for active kids to run around in, there is also next to no storage. They are storing boxes of potato chips in an old (no longer used) bathroom for crying out loud.

So now we're trying to organize to get on the school board to do something. Wish us luck. Miss M might not ever get to use the gym, but hopefully K man and the Munchkin will.

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Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Oh dear, so sorry to shatter your hopes here but the answer in no, he will NEVER grow out of it. Selective hearing cannot be cured and only worsens with marriage. At least that's what I was told. That one time when I was listening.

Anonymous said...

hehehe The blogging comment. My daughter who is three will walk up to me and say "Whatcha doing Mom? Blogging?"

too cute!

Alex Elliot said...

Your daughter's comment is so cute!

Angi said...

Blogging, LOL!

And about K, I have started this with Zander too. Only I throw in a super mean threat like "I am going to have to give you a SPANKING, do. you. hear. me.?????" He says yes, but does it anyway. Grrrr....

Damselfly said...

I love the blog/diary comment!

Damselfly said...

PS If that's true, then I've been blogging for 26 years!

wayabetty said...

My 4.5 y/o son is the same way and so is my 38 y/o hubbie. It's selective hearing as Jeff says. That guy is very wise!

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