Sunday, August 10, 2008

Remember that?

Craig told his parents that he is still packing my incision twice a day. They asked him if he's sure he's doing it right. Apparently these things take a loooong time to heal. And my incision didn't open that much. Some women have to have the whole thing opened and packed. Craig says that he can't get much tape in the wound anymore, so it is healing.

I was watching D this morning. It was a rare morning in that she woke at 3 a.m. to nurse. She's been off her norm these last couple of days because we were holding our garage sale and D wasn't able to hang with mom as much as she usually does. Her norm? Sleeping about 8 p.m. Half awake to nurse about 11 p.m. then sleep until 5 a.m.

I know! If I didn't know for sure I'd swear she wasn't my kid. Although she looks a lot like I did as a baby. Poor girl.
Anyhow, I was watching her this morning. She'd nursed, then wasn't quite ready to go back to sleep. She smiled at me, as she always does. She kicked her legs and swung her arms. She cooed at me. I gazed at my baby and realized how quickly this time is passing.

One minute I am in the hospital waiting to enter the OR for my c-section and meet my baby girl, the next I am holding an 11-week-old baby who is responding to her surroundings and holding my heart in her tiny fingers.

She's just outgrown her 0-3 month size sleepers, although the clothes without closed feet still fit her fine. Those sleepers went in our garage sale. Some of those sleepers were worn by all three of my kids.

Tomorrow I am taking my maternity clothes to a local reseller shop to see if they will buy them from me.

On to the's coming quickly.

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Awesome Mom said...

I was just thinking today as was sitting in church with Evan on my lap how fast time flies. He is getting too heavy to sit on my lap too long anymore. I also can't help but remember when he was so tiny that I could hold all of him in my arms. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so beautiful. Sigh.

Hope your incision finally heals completely. Geez, poor mom.

Anonymous said...

Time turning slips away too quickly. I want to freeze time some days :) Glad to read you are healing.

Mayberry said...

Wow--sorry about the incision! At least you have that beautiful baby to show for it.

Alex Elliot said...

I didn't realize your incision still hadn't healed. Does it still hurt a lot? Cute pictures!

Angi said...

Too too quickly if you ask me.

I've said it before - but you just announced your way that is YOUR baby in those ADORABLE pics! :)

Angi said...

okay, I am sure I do not need to claify, but my comment sounds all wrong...

I do not mean there is no way that that adorable baby is yours, but that there is no way that YOUR adorable baby can be that old already, LOL! :)

Damselfly said...

Wow! D is getting so big, so fast! Sometimes mamas need a pause button.

louann said...

Tomorrow just comes too fast--- especially when it has something to do with our children.

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