Monday, July 21, 2008

She did it again

How could it be that my baby is another month older? Well, tomorrow she'll be 2 months old. I think someone pushed the fast forward button on my life. The time flies faster and faster each year. What is the time passing like when you're 90? Or does it slow down again at some point?

Anyway, here she beautiful girl. How did I get so lucky to have three gorgeous kids? Must have something to do with their dad. He's pretty cute.

11 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my, the one with her smiling is just toooooo cute. You are lucky indeed.

Life As I Know It said...

Oh, she is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS ... she is cute!

Anonymous said...

Pretty darn cute! Amma

Damselfly said...

If you keep posting photos of cherubic baby ballerinas, I am going to have to stop reading your blog.


wayabetty said...

Oh my goodness Heather! She's a beauty!! Can't believe it's been almost 2 months already!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Do you need to guess what I'm going to say? Oh well I'll say it anyway, she sure is a cutie and all the pictures are very good!

Mandy said...

I love those pics. Great job. Ms. D is just to gorgeous!!! :)

Angi said...

SHe is SO flipping cute! I love them all, but 3 & 5 just make me smile - her little grin is adorable. I can't believeshe is 2 mths either, it seems you just announced your pregnancy...

Sandy said...

I don't know...I think she looks a lot like her mom.

: )

soccer mom in denial said...

I love the second to last photo. And you take great pictures! She's so cute.

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