Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Only Son

He's a character. I hear it over and over from friends and strangers alike. He has boundless energy but does things his own way and in his own time. He is either on full speed ahead or sleeping.

Ask him a question and his immediate response will always be "no" but given time to think about it his answer will often change to "yes."
He's often polite, thanking the bakers at Target for the cookie before I need to prompt him. He'll ask his classmates if he can play with them before intruding on their games.
There's also the dickens in him. There, in his eyes. You can see it, can't you? He pushes the limits of parental patience to the brink before offering a heartfelt "I love you" to ensure his very survival. He'll have a particularly non-compliant day, then start the next with pronouncements of my utter beauty. "You look so pretty today Mama!" And I'm a sucker for it.
Happy Birthday Little Man. Buster Brown. Busta Rhymes. Busta Move. Buster Poindexter.
I hope 4 is just as fun.

12 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a charmer. You can definitely tell from those eyes. Happy Birthday to your four year old!

Anonymous said...

Love you K man! Amma

Awesome Mom said...

What a cutie!!! 4 has been tough but also a lot of fun for Evan.

I hope that he has a happy birthday.

Anonymous said...


S said...

he's a charmer, all right!

motherbumper said...

Oh I'm in love - Happy Birthday you little leo and make sure momma has lots of blog fodder from FOUR!

Kara said...

4 seems so big! Happy Birthday, K!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday K!

Anonymous said...

awww Happy Birthday Little Man! Four Rocks!

Jen S. said...

I think your son and mine would be GREAT FRIENDS.

Little boys sure know how to work their way into mama's heart, don't they?

Happy birthday, Buster! :)

Damselfly said...

Why, yes, I *do* see the dickens in those eyes. ;) A boy to treasure for sure. Happy birthday to him!

louann said...

What a cutie =) He's going to break a lot of hearts when he grows up!

Happy Birthday!

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