Thursday, July 31, 2008

First Day

M was rather nervous about her first day of school yesterday, which is sort of unusual for her. She asked me to go in with her which actually afforded me an opportunity to take her picture standing next to her new locker.

When asked how the first day as a first-grader went she replied with a rather impatient air. "It was fine mom." Sheesh. I should know better than to ask.

K, D and I went to lunch in a rather unusual place. Hop over to Midwest Parents to read about it.

10 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

Lookin good M! Amma

Jen S. said...

Lockers in 1st grade? That's AWESOME!

Life As I Know It said...

My son starts first grade next month. I think I am more nervous than he is!

Kara said...

I'm glad it went well!

Amanda said...

What a grown up little girl!

wayabetty said...

School started already? Our kids don't start until Sept. Oh Mom, she's so grown up there!

Damselfly said...

First of all, she is so cute.

Second, I can't believe school is actually starting in July.

Third, she gets a locker? I had to wait until fourth grade for that. You can tell her someone out there in the Internet is jealous of her. :)

Anonymous said...

I, too, can't believe school started already. Yikes.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Wow. Next thing you'll be taking her prom pictures. No, really.

louann said...

She just totally needed your assurance that things were going to be OK =)

She looks great =)

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